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EARLY DETECTION IS CRITICAL! Start annual PSA testing by the time you are 50. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or other increased risks of prostate cancer start your annual PSA testing by the time you are 40 years old. 

  • In 2012 the US Federal Government issued a guidance advising against routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate cancer. They discouraged PSA testing claiming to be concerned about overdiagnosis, and overtreatment due to the limitations of PSA testing, along with the potential harms associated with unnecessary biopsies and treatments. The new cases of prostate cancer went down immediately because they were not being detected by PSA testing. However, cases of advanced prostate cancer went up about 5% each year because prostate cancer was not being detected early enough to minimize the treatment and impact on individuals.

  • In April of 2017 they recognized their mistake and reversed the 2012 guidance. They started endorsing individual decision-making for men aged 55 to 69.

  • The 2012 guidance was a huge mistake that prevented men from detecting prostate in its early/treatable stages and left them with advanced prostate cancer. Many believe it was an effort to reduce federal spending. Regardless, it is proof that early detection is the key!

  • Before testing, be aware of the 10 factors that can affect your PSA level. They are listed above. Make certain that you do not engage in any of the activities listed 48 hours prior to testing.


  • If you elect to have a digital (rectal) exam during the same visit, make sure you have your PSA test first. As stated above, a digital exam can falsely elevate your PSA readings if it is done first. Some physicians are not aware of this.  

If your PSA readings are high or abnormal consult your physician. If they are not experts in the field of prostate cancer, seek one that is and consult with them. An expert may prevent unnecessary treatment and or biopsies or take the appropriate steps to prevent advanced prostate cancer if you do have prostate cancer.


We recommend annual screening till the end of life.


The federal government does not recommend PSA screening for prostate cancer once you reach 70. Many men today live another 10-20 more years. Why would you not want to detect prostate cancer early after 70? An aggressive prostate cancer could certainly end your life earlier than necessary or make it absolutely miserable. Successful treatment is certainly possible at that age and could extend your life. Leave those decisions to the individuals and to the physicians that are prostate cancer experts, not the same federal government that made the big mistake in 2012. 





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