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The 10th Annual

One Man Shoot

will be held on

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Riverside Sporting Clays

52400 Hwy 16

Denham Springs, LA 70706

The One Man Shoot is a sporting clays competition for four-person teams that will raise funds for Dr. Oliver Sartor’s Prostate Cancer Research Fund.

It is our belief that one man can make a difference when it comes to fighting prostate cancer. Whether you are the doctor, patient, relative, or friend – you can make a difference. 


10 Gauge Sponsor $10,000 in donations

  • Includes three 4-person teams for the Sporting Clays, shirts, shells, link on website, recognition on day of the shoot, and a two-page ad in next year’s One Man Shoot magazine.


12 Gauge Sponsor $5,000 in donations

  • Includes two 4-person teams for the Sporting Clays, shirts, shells, link on website, recognition on the day of the shoot, and a one-page ad in next year’s One Man Shoot magazine


16 Gauge Sponsor $1,500 in donations

  • Includes a 4-person team for the Sporting Clays, shirts, shells, recognition on the website and in next year’s One Man Shoot magazine.


Shooting Station Sponsor $800 per station

  • Includes station sign, and recognition in next year’s One Man Shoot magazine.

Guests $25 per person Registration fee

  • Guests do not participate in Sporting Clays) Fee includes meal, entertainment, door prize eligibility, and other drawings.


Individual shooters

  • You may register to participate in the competition at a cost of $375 per person. They will be placed on teams that are short of members or with other individuals to form teams.

The event will also include FREE PSA TESTING, additional shooting games, raffles, and live and silent auctions.


Multiple team awards will be presented in each of three classes, along with top individual shooters in several categories.



The One Man Shoot was founded by and is held annually

in the memory of Connie Mack Boykin.

Hosted by X-ING CANCER, INC.



You can donate, become a sponsor or register a team by credit card at, or send your check (payable to X-ING CANCER, INC.) to:

One Man Shoot

13574 Minou Ave.,

Baton Rouge, LA 70809





Dr. Oliver Sartor's Team is Making a Difference!

Dr. Oliver Sartor is

 Making a Difference

Oliver Sartor, M.D., is one man making a difference. All proceeds from the One Man Shoot Sporting Clays Fundraiser will be donated to Dr. Oliver Sartor’s Prostate Cancer Research Fund.


Dr. Sartor is one of the few medical oncologists in the world specializing in prostate cancer. He leads an internationally renowned research and treatment program that is the best in the country. Plus his team treats patients from 26 other states and seven countries outside the U.S. He has also played a role in the development of four of the six most recently approved drugs for advanced disease. 

Hosted by X-ING CANCER, INC.

Green Forest





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